RT @sugarcrmdev: Hey #phpbnl12 attendees! Come to the #SugarCRM booth to re-hydrate and built integrations with us.
Robert Jordan: Knife of Dreams (The Wheel of Time, Book 11)
I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I'm still reading Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series. When he passed L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth decology I could have cried. Maybe WoT will be made into the worst movie of all time? Still, I've been following the saga of Rand al'Thor for more than a decade now, and I want to see how it ends. Rumor is that the next book, Memory of Light, will in fact conclude the saga. To borrow a phrase, "There should have been only one." (**)
Neal Stephenson: Quicksilver (The Baroque Cycle, Vol. 1)
My family got me Quicksilver for Christmas. I'm not far into it, but it's clearly a Stephenson book: lots of historical connections, multiple timeline unfolding simultaneously, meticulous historical detail, 100 pages in the plot is still a total mystery, big "thud"factor... Should be a great read.
Chris DiBona: Open Sources 2.0
Anything edited by Chris DiBona is worth spending the time to read.
David Kahn: The Codebreakers : The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet
I'm just getting started with this one, but so far it's a fascinating account of the history of cryptology. It's a massive 1200 pages, so it may be a while before I move on to something else.