The Linux Foundation is running a contest for the best video ad for Linux. Think of this as the Linux response to Apple's ubiquitous "I'm a Mac" or Microsoft's "I'm a PC" commercials. The contest winner will receive a free trip to Tokyo, Japan to participate in the Linux Foundation Japan Linux Symposium in October 2009. The winning video will also be unveiled at the Linux Foundation's Collaboration Summit in San Francisco on April 8, 2009.
A panel of judges, including yours truly, will select the winner. I'll be looking for the video that best captures the spirit of Linux. Think about why we use Linux; how has it inspired you and how it is fundamentally different than the proprietary approaches of Apple of Microsoft? I encourage people to have fun with this. One thing that is true of Linux users is that we don't take ourselves too seriously.
Although you can't submit entries until the contest officially opens on January 26 you can start working on entries now. You can also submit multiple entries. See the contest Web page for details. Good luck!