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September 01, 2008



I am surprised that you think that there's still so much need for education. From talking to customers it seems to me that a broad majority has understood and appreciates the subscription model.

Larry Augustin

I'm not sure how much need there still is for education. I think that's a good open question. It would be interesting to see how many CIOs understand that the buying model is different. I know that I still give talks at CIO events explaining how the buying model is different and that many CIOs in the audience still seem to be getting their heads around the model. But I don't have anything other than anecdotal experience.

georgia hanias

Hello, my name is Georgia Hanias and I am working closely with the Open World Forum 2009. I just wanted to let you know that there is an upcoming event in Paris in October 2009. Here is the press release- I thought you might want to post it on your blog:

Developer communities, business and policy-makers to attend event to ensure open software plays an active role in the digital recovery.

Paris-San Francisco, 4th June 2009. As the leading global forum for free, libre and open source software (FLOSS) worldwide the second Open World Forum will welcome all the key global players to Paris on 1 and 2 October 2009, in partnership with the Open Source Think Tank. The event will aim to cross-fertilize initiatives around the issue of 'Free, Libre and Open Software at the heart of the Digital Recovery'.
''Computing – along with green technologies – is the key driver for the growth of our economy. Free, Libre and Open Source Software is now its essential foundation and source of innovation,'' commented Jean-Noël de Galzain, Chairman of the Program Committee for the Open World Forum 2009 and CEO of Wallix.
Since early 2008, the founders of the Open World Forum felt that it was necessary to create an event on a global scale where the decision-makers in innovation, community leaders, political leaders, CIOs, and other players from the world of open software could get together. Last year, over 1,200 delegates came to take part in the 17 associated seminars, and hear 160 speakers from 20 different countries. This year, in partnership with the Open Source Think Tank, the Open World Forum will make its mark as the essential global event for Open Source decision-makers. Our aim for 2009? To ensure that Free, Libre and Open Source Software is one of the key drivers of the Digital Recovery.
“We are excited to partner with the Open World Forum and host the Think Tank September 28th – September 30th. As the industry's only by-invitation event for global open source business leaders to gather and discuss the opportunities and challenges facing commercial open source; the Think Tank is a perfect complimentary event to the OWF,” said Andrew Aitken, Managing Partner of Olliance Group and the founder of the Open Source Think Tank, now in it's fifth year.
The aim of the Open World Forum is to bring together players from information technology and Open Source, to share ideas and initiatives, to stimulate competitiveness and innovation, and finally to build business relationships within and through open software.
The forum is an open event, and welcomes new conferences proposals.
For more information on the Open World Forum, visit: http://www.openworldforum.org
For more information on the Open Source Think Tank, visit: http://thinktank.olliancegroup.com
Martha de Monclin
Page One PR Europe
Tel: +44 (0)1494 837608
UK Mobile: +44 (0)777 168 2434


Hello Larry,

Would you be interested in participating at the upcoming Open Source Forum in Paris 2009? My name is Georgia Hanias and I am helping to promote and organising this event- now in its second year.

If you are interested please let me know your contact details and i would be very happy to provide you further information either via phone or email.



Just a follow up email to let all of your open source fans know that Open World Forum - the biggest open source event in the world- has unveiled its program for 2009. More information is available on www.openworldforum.org. but here is the official press release:

Bringing together the FLOSS ecosystem to discuss, debate and exchange ideas and initiatives, to ensure that open software plays an active role in the digital recovery.

Paris, 14 July 2009 – The Open World Forum, (www.openworldforum.org), the leading global forum for Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) worldwide, aims to bring together all the key players in the open software ecosystem.
The Open World Forum 2009 will feature a number of different tracks where community and technical leaders, CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, legal experts, investors, political leaders, and other senior executives can get involved in group activities, brainstorming sessions, panels, discussions and networking/social events.

'The Open World Forum will enable decision-makers from the worldwide FLOSS ecosystem to openly share their concerns, issues and experiences, while collaboratively developing initiatives to ensure that open software is a key driver in the digital recovery,'' commented Jean-Noël de Galzain, Chairman of the Program Committee for the Open World Forum 2009 and CEO of Wallix.

The Open World Forum 2009 will feature:
- Keynote addresses: confirmed speakers include Jacques Attali, Michael Tiemann (Chairman of OSI and VP of Red Hat), Jim Zemlin (Executive Director of the Linux Foundation), Mike Milinkovich (Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation), Sander Striker (President of the Apache Software Foundation 2005-2007), Mark Surmann (Chairman of the Mozilla Foundation), Cedric Thomas (CEO of the OW2 consortium), Mark Shuttleworth (founder of Ubuntu ), Andrew Aitken (founder of the Open Source Think Tank) and Matthew Aslett (Analyst at The 451 Group) among others
- The FLOSS Communities Summit: organized in partnership with Apache, Eclipse, the Linux Foundation, OSA and OW2, to enable key FLOSS communities worldwide to foster synergies and ensure sustainability
- The summit meeting for the leading global NGOs promoting FLOSS: from Africa, Brazil, China, Europe, India, Japan, the USA, etc. This event, co-organized by the QualiPSo consortium, is the first of its kind worldwide
- The FLOSS Politics Summit: designed to highlight the advances made and the opportunities for open software in the wider geo-strategic context. It will be complemented by the annual IDABC Open Source conference, on Open Source interoperability and government initiatives in Europe
- An IT Directors/CIOs summit: co-organized by ANDSI and the CIO Forum, enabling IT Directors from public and private sectors to define best practices in open source governance
- An open innovation forum and emerging technologies radar: bringing together R&D centers, competitiveness clusters, start-ups and investors. This will also deliver the worldwide FLOSS Innovation Awards
- A conference on ’FLOSS: at the heart of the Internet of the future‘: being jointly organized with Google and the Mozilla Foundation.
The Open World Forum will also play host to a large number of related seminars and workshops, bringing together Open Source experts, architects, developers, IT Directors, decision-makers and investors from every continent.

The event will be rounded off with a unique forward-looking initiative, bringing together dozens of international experts working on future planning, scenarios and recommendations: the 2009 edition of the 2020 FLOSS RoadMap, coordinated by Jean-Pierre Laisne, Chief Open Source strategist at Bull.

“We are very excited to be taking part in this global FLOSS event,” comments Jim Zemlin, Executive Director of the Linux Foundation. “It provides a great opportunity for us to share ideas and initiatives for making Open Source a decisive lever to foster innovation and competitiveness for the economic recovery.”

“For years, Open Source software has been a pillar of our competitiveness and agility throughout our company. We are looking forward to sharing our experiences,” added Valérie Humery, CIO at CarboatMedia.

The forum is an open event, and welcomes new proposals for presentations. The Call for Papers can be found at http://www.openworldforum.com/program/open-world-forum-call-for-submissions. The final programme will be announced in August.

About the Open World Forum
The Open World Forum is the leading global summit bringing together decision-makers from across the world to discuss the technological, financial and social impact of open technologies. The event started in 2008 and runs every year in Paris. With more than 100 speakers from 20 countries, and a 1,200-strong international audience, the Open World Forum highlights the influence that FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) will have on the implementation of tomorrow’s major technological advances. The Forum is organized by innovation clusters Cap Digital and System@tic, in partnership with the QualiPSo consortium, and operated by consulting firm ITEMS international. It is overseen by leading international consortiums (Apache Software Foundation, Eclipse Foundation, FOSSBazaar, Linux Foundation, Open Solutions Alliance, OW2 Consortium), five associations (APRIL, AFUL, Adullact, PLOSS, Silicon Sentier), Paris city council, Ile de France Region, Paris Region Economic Development Agency and Paris Chamber of Commerce.
For more information on the Open World Forum, visit: http://www.openworldforum.org

Media Contacts
Georgia Hanias
Martha de Monclin
Page One PR
[email protected]
44 (0) 7812 211 403
44 (0) 207 603 5470

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My Current Reading List

  • Robert Jordan: Knife of Dreams (The Wheel of Time, Book 11)

    Robert Jordan: Knife of Dreams (The Wheel of Time, Book 11)
    I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I'm still reading Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series. When he passed L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth decology I could have cried. Maybe WoT will be made into the worst movie of all time? Still, I've been following the saga of Rand al'Thor for more than a decade now, and I want to see how it ends. Rumor is that the next book, Memory of Light, will in fact conclude the saga. To borrow a phrase, "There should have been only one." (**)

  • Neal Stephenson: Quicksilver (The Baroque Cycle, Vol. 1)

    Neal Stephenson: Quicksilver (The Baroque Cycle, Vol. 1)
    My family got me Quicksilver for Christmas. I'm not far into it, but it's clearly a Stephenson book: lots of historical connections, multiple timeline unfolding simultaneously, meticulous historical detail, 100 pages in the plot is still a total mystery, big "thud"factor... Should be a great read.

  • Chris DiBona: Open Sources 2.0

    Chris DiBona: Open Sources 2.0
    Anything edited by Chris DiBona is worth spending the time to read.

  • David Kahn: The Codebreakers : The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet

    David Kahn: The Codebreakers : The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet
    I'm just getting started with this one, but so far it's a fascinating account of the history of cryptology. It's a massive 1200 pages, so it may be a while before I move on to something else.

Larry . . .

    follow me on Twitter

    My Events

    • You can find me at these upcoming events
    • 2010-07-21 to 2010-07-22 OSCON.
      I'll be at the O'Reilly Open Source Conference (OSCON) on Wednesday and Thursday. SugarCRM engineer John Mertic is speaking at OSCON.
    • 2010-07-28 AlwaysOn Summit at Stanford.
      Jeff Kaplan of THINKstrategies is moderating a panel session at the AlwaysOn Summit at Stanford including Marten Mickos, Swayne Hill, Treb Ryan, Lars Buytaert, and me. I'm looking forward to a great discussion.
    • 2010-09-27 to 2010-09-29 Paris Open Source ThinkTank.
      Olliance Open Source ThinkTanks are always great events, and I'll thrilled to be at the Paris event again this year.
    • 2010-09-30 to 2010-10-01 Open World Forum.
      I am speaking at the Open World Forum (OWF) in Paris on Oct 1, 2010. I am also a judge in the OWF Open Innovation Demo Cup. Be sure to submit your project before July 31 for consideration.
    • 2010-10-05 London CRM Acceleration.
      SugarCRM will hold a CRM Acceleration in London on October 5, 2010.
    • 2010-10-21 Munich CRM Acceleration.
      SugarCRM will hold a CRM Acceleration in Munich on October 21, 2010.
    • 2010-10-25 Cap Gemini Open Your Mind.
      I'm speaking in the Netherlands at Open Your Mind, an event sponsored by Cap Gemini on Open Source.

    (Some of) My Favorite People

    • Chris DiBona
      Chris is a just plain great person and stand-up guy. He's also the Open Source program manager at Google.
    • Doc Searls
      Doc is the senior editor at Linux Journal and one of the four authors of The Cluetrain Manifesto, the iconoclastic web site that became the best-selling book.
    • Matt Asay
      Matt is the founder of OSBC, and currently runs business development at Alfresco.
    • r0ml Lefkowitz
      The r0ml is one of the most entertaining and insightful commentators on the state of the IT industry that I know.
    • Stephen Walli
      I first met Stephen when he worked at Microsoft, and I organized a dinner at OSCON between Eric Raymond and a number of the Microsoft Shared Source team. I liked him even then so that should tell you a lot.

    My Companies

    • I am involved with these companies as an investor and board member.
    • Appcelerator
      Open Source platform that provides everything you need to build rich web, mobile and desktop applications. News
    • DotNetNuke
      Open Source framework for building websites and web applications on Microsoft ASP.NET. News
    • SugarCRM
      Open Source Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. I have been a board member and investor at SugarCRM since 2005 and CEO there since May 2009. News

    My Investments

    • I am an investor in and/or advisor to these companies.
    • Dasient
      Dasient is an an early-stage company that is solving next-generation security problems for the Internet. News
    • DeviceVM
      Embedded instant-on operating system for consumer devices. News
    • Eloqua
      On-line lead generation and marketing automation. News
    • Fonality
      Open Source VoIP PBX based on Asterisk. News
    • Funambol
      Funambol's vision is to make push email and mobile content/PIM sync easy between the largest number of smart & feature phones, the Internet cloud and popular desktop apps. News
    • Medsphere
      Open Source Electronic Health Record (EHR). News
    • MuleSource
      Mule is then world's most widely-used Open Source ESB and integration platform. News
    • Novara Clinical Research
      Novara Clinical Research operates dedicated facilities for conducting Phase II to Phase IV patient studies for the pharmaceutical industry. News
    • Pentaho
      Open Source Business Intelligence (BI). News
    • VirtualLogix
      Real-time virtualization for mobile devices. News
    • Vyatta
      Open Source router and firewall. News
    • WSO2
      Next generation Open Source Web services platform. News

    My Exits