On Tuesday February 21 I'll be part of a panel session presented by the MIT/Stanford Venture Lab entitled 'The Next Wave of Web 2.0: Is Ajax Where the Action Is?' The session will be 6-8:30 p.m. at Bishop Auditorium, Stanford University Graduate School of Business, 518 Memorial Way, South Building, Stanford. Om Malik from Business 2.0 will lead the discussion. Other panelists include Scott Dietzen from Zimbra, Dan'l Lewin from Microsoft, and Pradeep Tagare from Intel Capital. Here's the abstract:
VCs and entrepreneurs are talking about a "funding frenzy" in the AJAX powered applications space. What is AJAX? It is the special sauce behind a new generation of rich internet applications such as Google Maps, Yahoo's Flickr, and a plethora of emerging Web 2.0 applications.
While some technology pundits are dismissing AJAX as nothing but a cool technology that enables web applications to act like desktop applications, others are claiming that there is more to AJAX then enhanced user interfaces. Many of the emerging AJAX companies have adopted disruptive business models that have successfully displaced incumbents' offerings.
Come and hear several break-out companies, including Zimbra, which are on the cutting-edge of Web 2.0. The panel will explore the source of value in AJAX, the viability of new business models, and the impact on software and user experience.